Our highest aspiration is to make leather goods that last forever and that are forever good. We want Orox products to be loved and well-used throughout their long life and to look as good ten or more years in as they did when they were first bought. (You may have noticed that we’ve started using #forevergoods on our Instagram and Twitter and we invite you do so as well. We’d love to repost some of your favorite photos of Orox goods or others you tag #forevergoods.)
Why are we so committed to making products that last forever? Lots of reasons, but a big one is simply that so much in our world moves so fast and fades so quickly. Orox leather goods are a small counter to this. Everything we make is heritage quality, designed and engineered to last for a generation or more and to never go out of style. Exceptional functionality and clean design are Orox hallmarks. In part because our world is changing we want our products to deliver for years and years and to stand the test of time.
Orox products are with you for the long haul and will be part of your life, even your family, for years to come. An Orox bag, wallet, or purse will be there for important milestone events (weddings, births, anniversaries), special occasions (vacations, celebrations), and of course the everyday – commuting, trips to the grocery store, work, and play. We very much hope that our products will prove to be forever good – enduring sources of happiness, perpetually in style, and exceptionally useful.
We truly love seeing photos of Orox products as they make their way in the world. If you have any that you’d like to share we’d appreciate it! Feel free to use #forevergoods